MBA in Finance
This global MBA program with a concentration in finance at the International College of Sustainability Innovations in the National Taipei University opens its door for international students since 2013. With the support from the College of Business NTPU which has a long tradition of cradling business elite for the society this innovative and completely English-taught program accepts international students who would like to share their learning experience and interact with local students. The purpose of this program is to become the incubation center of future financial leaders equipping them with global views with Asian perspectives.
International Program on Urban Governance
Modern cities around the world are increasingly complex and chaotic. As urban populations grow, city governments are faced with a host of associated challenges, from traffic jams to rising crime rates. These problems, in turn, can hamper private investments, thus impeding economic development, decreasing tax revenues, and leading to still other challenges, from decaying infrastructure to troubled school systems. So, how can city governments cope with these challenges? Collaborative efforts with other layers of government, non-profits, and private organizations are one part of the answer, but the complexity of the problems faced by modern cities also requires that they be managed from a multidisciplinary perspective, which is where the International Program on Urban Governance (IPUG) comes in.
Smart Healthcare Management
The Master Program in Smart Healthcare Management (hereinafter as SHM) is an innovative program focusing on cross-field research and teaching. Our uniqueness lies in the combination of information technology, healthcare, and management to create a digitized healthcare system and connect available medical resources and healthcare services. Our program provides high-quality teaching and pioneering research on smart healthcare technology and management. At SHM, we deliver a Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree that thoroughly prepares students for the dynamic world of healthcare technology. Our comprehensive, flexible, and cutting-edge curriculum is taught by faculty experts in specialized fields and professionals from healthcare industry. The Master Program in Smart Healthcare Management aims to recruit international students. Students arrive with different backgrounds and different levels of expertise to broaden the thinking of outstanding talents from other countries and to further facilitate innovative research. Our program has built-in flexibility to deliver an education and experience that fits your needs. At SHM, we employ and leverage the latest technology to transform how we deliver and provide high-quality, efficient services that is beneficial to various types of users in healthcare industry.
Chinese Language Center
The primary goal of the International College of Sustainability Innovations (ICSI)-affiliated Chinese Language Center (CLC), established in August 2022, is to provide diverse levels of Chinese language-learning resources for National Taipei University (NTPU)'s international, joint dual-degree, and exchange students. After achieving the primary goal, the international students are appropriately assigned to different classes based on their level of Chinese language proficiency. The CLC then plans and surveys the Chinese language proficiency of NTPU's overseas Chinese student population, cooperates with relevant departments, and offers Chinese language courses tailored to students' proficiency levels, thus increasing their efficacy in professional learning. Meanwhile, our existing teaching resources and approaches allow us to offer Chinese language continuation programs to non-student foreigners living in Sanxia. Although Sanxia has many amenities, resident foreigners who wish to learn the Chinese language have been obliged to seek course offers elsewhere. Since the CLC was only established recently, it is challenging to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but we endeavor to take progressive steps to help our students and non-student foreigners experience the friendliness and beauty of Sanxia and Taiwan.
Bachelor Program in Smart Sustainable Development and Management
Courses are offered in AI, big data, sustainable development, management, and finance which enabling students to become professionals in enterprise sustainability management.
Bachelor Program in Innovative Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Through flexible curriculum planning, the ITCSL program meets the Chinese language learning needs of international students. We expect that the diverse cultures of our international students will enrich NTPU.